Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cocktails and Confessions

Last night, as part of my contributing editor gig with, I hosted what i hope will be the first of many "cocktails and confessions" party with some of my gal pals. It's amazing what booze and a video camera will produce. I don't think anyone expected the raucous, bawdy, uninhibited evening that ensued. Nonie kept us doubled over with her stories of Juvaderm and Botox (she, we can safely say, is a Botox junkie), all blurted out in her bloody fantastic British accent. Laurel thankfully watched the grill for me while I was grilling everyone about their beauty confessions, both tragic and tragic-comic. Emily, reluctant at first, was cajoled into telling us how she doesn't wash her face yet gets completely waxed down there. Amy, a few glasses of wine in her, showed us just how she bites her toenails. Yes, toenails.

What's your beauty confession? Diss and tell! Finally, it's fun to confess.

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