Sunday, August 31, 2008

A few shots from Bumbershoot 08

I should have been working yesterday but my high school pal Kevin came into town for Bumbershoot so I had to go with him, right? We saw my beloved Neko Case, Lucinda Williams, Band of Horses, and Beck on the mainstage (Beck was rockin', kicking off his set with "Loser"), wandered around the Seattle Center looking for bratwurst and roasted corn, checked out the Flatstock show—I'm obsessed with a certain Breakfast at Tiffany's poster by Diana Sudyka—and checked out the great indie crafts (I love you and your tooled leather goods, Kim Sun). I particularly loved a performance by members of an Australian troupe called Strange Fruit—two couples swayed and spun on tall, bendable poles. It was magical and whimsical.

Today, I'm sending Kevin off to Bumbershoot and it's back to work for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They werent actually members of Teatro ZinZanni. They were an Australia troupe called Strange Fruit that was here just for Bumbershoot :)

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