Monday, December 1, 2008

Great gift-giving story? Bring it on!

For my next Prairie Girl's Guide, I am looking for stories of meaningful, spot-on gift giving. Have you ever given or received an absolutely perfect gift? Something that touched you to the core? Made the recipient cry like a little girl? Was she a little girl? If so, I'd love to hear all about it.

To give you an example, my friend Jared knows of my obsession with photo booths and knew I was a bit envious of his framed wall of photo strips. So one Christmas, I unwrapped a long frame, complete with a matte cut for seven photo strips. He even prepaid the frame shop so I could have my favorite strips mounted. What a guy! What a gift!

If you have any great stories about thoughtful gifts, no matter how large or small, I'd love to hear them and include them in the book.

1 comment:

Dave Sailer said...

Hi. I'm not a girl, and not trying to be one as far as I know. I don't even have a great gift-giving story as far as I know. But.

Maybe you or someone you know could use socks. I did search via the Google Thingy (TM) at top left on your blog and it was mute on the subject of "Sock Dreams". OK, so maybe this is not quite the "home made with love and just the right number of rough edges to be truly personal and endearing forever" sort of thing, but it's local, mostly. In Portland. See

I first heard of you last night at a Mountaineers potluck, where I saw a copy of "Backcountry Betty", which in fact at this very moment the local library is busily digging out of their vault for me. (They hold it dear.) I'm glad to see you have lots of books. And a blog. I've been doing some writing and probably can learn a lot by paying attention. Maybe more than I deserve to know even. You obviously know which side is up. Some day I hope to write good too.

Thanks. Here's hoping someone can use socks.

-- Dave (

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