Monday, August 4, 2008

Beachy keen

I spent the weekend in Oregon, celebrating my friend Gina's impending nuptials with her friends and family. We drove through McMinnville, where the wedding will be next weekend, and I was completely charmed by the farmland and vineyards in the area. Then we got to Lincoln City and I was bowled over once again. I love the craggy, windswept beaches of the Oregon Coast and had a glorious time collecting driftwood and all sorts of stones that have perfectly round holes dotting them. I don't know what's up with that, but I thought it was magical. My favorite is currently serving as a paperweight on my desk.

The driftwood, however, is bound for a project for Backcountry Betty: Crafting with Style, coming in Spring 09 from Skipstone Books.

Of course, I also loved roadtripping, eating bad fast food, and looking for ridiculous bumper stickers...

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