Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hugo House Writer's Conference this weekend

You probably already know about this but I just can't help beating a dead horse.

Join me during the Richard Hugo House's first writer's conference. Held over the weekend of May 21-23, the theme of the weekend is Finding Your Readers in the 21st Century. They've created three "tracks"—Publishing Choices, Self Promotion, and Writer's Toolbox—that are designed to help you learn more about publishing and promotion, while honing your craft.

I'm going to lead a workshop on Sunday, May 23, that will help you put together a winning proposal. "The 7 Elements of a Successful Nonfiction Book Proposal" will break down all the components that go into creating a proposal that will win over publishers.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"Black Is Not Your Color (And It's Not Your Brand)" Workshop on May 19

Check out this great workshop being offered by my friend Darcey Howard. I did a one-on-one phone session with her and it totally transformed how I view my personal style.

By popular demand, this workshop is being offered in both
Seattle and Manhattan at midday & evening times

Darcey Howard
"Personal Branding Through Appearance"

Being your brand takes guts.
Owning your value takes guts.
How do you create a brand that reflects your value and uniqueness in a sea of competition?
You have be ready to own it.
Are you ready to own your brand and stand out from the crowd?

"Our society wants you to fit in so it can ignore you." —Seth Godin

As an expert in building brand integrity for businesses and individuals, Darcey Howard, Personal Branding & Style Consultant, will provide the tools, tips and guidelines you can put into place immediately to make sure you stand out in a crowd versus just fitting in.

Come away with...
  • Clarity of how your personal brand is conveyed and perceived both visually and professionally.
  • Tools for bridging the gap between how you feel, how you look and how you sell.
  • Knowledge on how to leverage your USP (Unique "Style" Proposition) to attract ideal customers.
  • Guidelines to identify, build and maintain your personal brand and leverage it in your business.
Don't miss this opportunity to get what your personal brand needs to not be ignored. Cost is just $40.00.

Join Darcey Howard, founder of Personal Branding Through Appearance & LifeStyled, Ltd., on May 19th for one of two scheduled times, either 12:30 pm or 6:30 pm for this 90-minute program.

"Black is Not a Color (And It's Not Your Brand)" Workshop

May 19, 2010
12:30–2:00 pm
6:00–7:30 pm

1823 Terry Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 623-8900
To sign up or for more information, please contact Darcey at

A sampling of my books